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The Intro : About Me

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My name is Rayi Syifa Salsabila, and you can call me Ray or Rayi.  I was born in Tangerang, November 2nd, 2001. I graduated from SMA Negeri 3 Kabupaten Tangerang in 2020, and now I finally get my college at Muhammadiyah Tangerang University in major civil engineering.  I am the second of three children in my family. I have one big brother and a little sister. Currently, I live in Dasana Indah Residence, Bojong Nangka, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten. Speaking of a hobby, painting is one of my hobbies. I usually paint with gouache, watercolor, and acrylic. The media that I usually painted is so random, sometimes I painting on a calculator, tote bag, shoes, and anything, but mostly I paint on watercolor paper. I was painting since 11th grade so I have some great paintings and here is a little of my artwork.  Disclaimer all those watermarks on photos that were originally mine. May some of you wonderi

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